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Ice Crushers Introduce Tommy Sullivan as 2010 Elite Team – Head Coach

By edmontonicecrushers | Sep 26, 2019 | Comments Off on Ice Crushers Introduce Tommy Sullivan as 2010 Elite Team – Head Coach

We are very pleased to introduce Tommy “Sully” Sullivan as our 2010 Elite Team – Head Coach for the 2020 Spring Season. Sully comes to us with very impressive resume of coaching experience as a certified Power Edge Pro Level 4 instructor, his 11+ years of coaching oversees in Korea and Taiwan and as the…

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Survey Results: Did You Player Improve This Spring?

By edmontonicecrushers | Oct 6, 2018 | Comments Off on Survey Results: Did You Player Improve This Spring?

This summer we surveyed our families and asked them if their player’s improved this spring (this included competitive and 4 on 4 players)? The categories were; Hockey Skills, Knowledge of the Game, Sportsmanship and Self Confidence. As you can see by the results, there was a vast level of improvement is all categories. 125 Families…

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Survey Results: Do you think ours programs are affordably priced?

By edmontonicecrushers | Sep 30, 2018 | Comments Off on Survey Results: Do you think ours programs are affordably priced?

This summer we surveyed our 270+ families and asked them if they thought that our programs are affordably priced. Over 85% of the respondents thought that our programs were priced better than our competition. That’s some very happy families as our programs are typically 30% – 40% less than the next option. Perhaps this is…

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